Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cyber Pilgrims Run Into Rick Steves in Leon

It's been a few days since our last post, mostly because we have enjoyed Leon so much that we couldn't bear to chain ourselves to the Internet to put a post together. While members of our group of cyber pilgrims were out scouting for the 6 brands of absinthe Rev. Sandy hinted were available in Leon who should they meet but Rick Steves, travel author from nearby Edmonds! The group called the others (who were engaged in prayer and fasting, led by Rev. Sandy) back at the hotel  to share a few beers and some pulpo and conversation about what Rick had discovered about pilgrimage. We promised him we'd catch his travelogue about the Camino that's set to air on PBS in Feb 2011. Wait, here it is!

More tomorrow from the cyber pilgrims who must, unfortunately, leave Leon and its delights and head for the Montañas de Leon for one more climb over the mountains that separate the group from its destination at Santiago.

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